Passed activities
Welcome, this section gives an overview of the present activities like workshops, exhibitions, regular classes and the like.
If you would like some more info, please send an e-mail to
From 2019-06-22 until 2019-06-22 What hours: 2.30 pm. - 5 pm. Location: CC Ruiterhal, Azalealaan 6 - Brasschaat Name building: Ruiterhal
Demo op
Group exhibition
From 2019-09-06 until 2019-09-08 What hours: 10 am. - 6 pm. Location: Dorp 24 - Sint-Martens-Latem Name building: Oude Brouwerij
Open Deur Dag Latems Creatief
Regular courses
From 2019-09-11 until 2020-06-17 What hours: 2 pm. - 4.30 pm. Location: Convent 47 - Sint-Amandsberg Name building: Groot Begijnhof
Woe Namidd. Aquarel Crea Ten Hove
Longer Workshops (> 3 days)
From 2019-09-14 until 2019-11-30 What hours: 2 pm. - 5 pm. Location: Camiel Van der Cruyssenstraat 13 - Nevele Name building: Domus Angelus
Frisse Aquarellen Schilderen - BASIC, Nevele
Regular courses
From 2019-09-18 until 2020-05-20 What hours: 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Location: Kwakstraat 13 - Sint-Martens-Latem Name building: Cultureel Centrum
Latems Creatief, AQ WOE
Longer Workshops (> 3 days)
From 2019-09-21 until 2019-12-07 What hours: 2 pm. - 5 pm. Location: Camiel Van der Cruyssenstraat 13 - Nevele Name building: Domus Angelus
Frisse Aquarellen Schilderen - EVOLVE, Nevele
Regular courses
From 2019-09-21 until 2020-06-06 What hours: 9 am. - 12 am. Location: Kwakstraat 13 - Sint-Martens-Latem Name building: Cultureel Centrum
Latems Creatief, AQ ZAT
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2020-08-07 until 2020-08-08 What hours: 10 am. - 4 pm. Location: Ter Mote 5 - Nevele Name building: De Gouden Pluim
Luchten en Waters - VOLZET!
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2020-08-21 until 2020-08-22 What hours: 10 AM to 4 PM Location: Ter Mote 5 - Nevele Name building: De Gouden Pluim
Nat-in-nat techniek - VOLZET!
Regular courses
From 2020-10-13 until 2021-06-29 What hours: Location: Otegemstraat 238 - Zwevegem Name building: Tekenacademie Zwevegem
Zwevegemse Aquarelvereniging
Regular courses
From 2020-10-14 until 2021-06-09 What hours: Location: Kwakstraat 13 - St-Martens-Latem Name building: Cultureel Centrum
Latems Creatief: groep woensdag
Regular courses
From 2020-10-15 until 2021-06-24 What hours: Location: nieuwe locatie wordt nog meegedeeld - Poperinge Name building:
Poperingse Aquarel Club (PAC)
Regular courses
From 2020-10-17 until 2021-06-12 What hours: Location: Kwakstraat 13 - St-Martens-Latem Name building: Cultureel Centrum
Latems Creatief: groep zaterdag
Regular courses
From 2020-11-05 until 2021-06-17 What hours: Location: Groot Begijnhof 47 - Sint-Amandsberg Name building:
Crea ten Hove
From 2021-01-30 until 2021-01-30 What hours: 00,30 pm. - 2 pm. Location: Ter Mote 5 - Nevele Name building: De Gouden Pluim
Het belang van het soort aquarelpapier
Solo exhibition
From 2021-05-08 until 2021-05-09 What hours: 10 am - 6 pm Location: Linkeroever 84 - Zulte Name building: Golden River Studios
Open Atelier Watercolour
Regular courses
From 2021-09-09 until 2022-06-30 What hours: Location: Deken de Bolaan 97 - Poperinge Name building: Dienstencentrum
Poperingse Aquarel Club (PAC)
Regular courses
From 2021-09-14 until 2022-06-14 What hours: Location: Otegemstraat 238 - Zwevegem Name building: Tekenacademie Zwevegem
Zwevegemse Aquarelvereniging
Regular courses
From 2021-09-15 until 2022-05-18 What hours: Location: Kwakstraat 13 - Sint-Martens-Latem Name building: Cultureel Centrum
Latems Creatief, Aquarel op woensdagavond
Regular courses
From 2021-09-16 until 2022-06-23 What hours: Location: Convent 47 - Crea ten Hove Name building: Groot Begijnhof
Crea ten Hove, Aquarel op donderdagnamiddag
Regular courses
From 2021-09-18 until 2022-05-28 What hours: Location: Kwakstraat 13 - Sint-Martens-Latem Name building: Cultureel Centrum
Latems Creatief, Aquarel op zaterdagvoormiddag
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2022-08-26 until 2022-08-27 What hours: Location: Ter Mote 5, Nevele - De Gouden Pluim Name building: Colpaert - Van Leemputten
Aquarel schetsen VOLZET
Regular courses
From 2022-09-01 until 2023-06-08 What hours: Location: Convent 47 - Crea ten Hove - St-Amandsberg Name building: Groot Begijnhof
Crea ten Hove, Aquarel op donderdagnamiddag
Regular courses
From 2022-09-08 until 2023-06-29 What hours: Location: Deken De Bolaan 97 - Poperinge Name building: Dienstencentrum
Poperingse Aquarel Club (PAC)
Regular courses
From 2022-09-13 until 2023-06-06 What hours: Location: Otegemstraat 238 - Zwevegem Name building: Tekenacademie Zwevegem
Zwevegemse Aquarelvereniging
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2022-12-02 until 2022-12-03 What hours: Location: Ter Mote 5, Nevele - De Gouden Pluim Name building: Colpaert - Van Leemputten
Collage en aquarel
Solo exhibition
From 2023-03-10 until 2023-03-19 What hours: Location: Visitatiestraat, 9040 Sint-Amandsberg - Campo Santo Name building: Sint-Amanduskapel
From 2023-05-06 until 2023-05-07 What hours: Location: Korte Streekt 24, 9860 Scheldewindeke - thuis bij de kunstenaar Name building: Golden River Studios
Atelier in Beeld
Regular courses
From 2023-09-14 until 2024-07-04 What hours: Location: Groot Begijnhof 47 - 9040 St-Amandsberg Name building:
Crea ten Hove
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2023-09-16 until 2023-09-16 What hours: Location: Ter Mote 5, 9850 Nevele - De Gouden Pluim Name building: Colpaert-Van Leemputten
Compositie in landschap
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2023-11-04 until 2023-11-04 What hours: Location: Ter Mote 5, 9850 Nevele - De Gouden Pluim Name building: Colpaert-Van Leemputten
Aquarelleren met zelf samengestelde sepia kleuren - VOLZET -
Solo exhibition
From 2024-03-23 until 2024-03-24 What hours: Location: Leie Linkeroever 84, Zulte - Voormalig atelier Golden River Studios te Zulte Name building: Galerij de Regenput
CHA-EAU-TISCH , Pen en Wash tentoonstelling
From 2024-05-04 until 2024-05-05 What hours: Location: Korte Streekt 24 - Scheldewindeke Name building: Golden River Studios
Atelier In Beeld
Short Workshops (< 3 days)
From 2024-06-01 until 2024-06-01 What hours: Location: Ter Mote 5, 9850 Nevele - In de gebouwen van Colpaert-Van Leemputten, De Gouden Pluim Name building:
Helder en zacht aquarelleren
Regular courses
From 2024-10-05 until 2024-10-05 What hours: Location: Ter Mote 5 - Nevele Name building: Colpaert - Van Leemputten
Vereenvoudigde Portretten Aquarelleren - VOLZET !